I got a package from the mail man! Laika text messaged me since I was meeting my mom when the package came and said that it looks like it could be swap related. After that I was in a hurry to get home to see my package. :D
Paketti tosiaan oli vaihdosta, osallistuin ravelryn kautta world yarn swappiin ja sain ihania Ameriikan herkkuja!
It was my swap package, I participated in world yarn swap in Ravelry and I got lots of goodies from America!

Ihana ihana paketti! Josta oli muuten tosi vaikea ottaa kuvia ilman että niissä näkyy Tarkastaja Pirk, tämä paketti piti tarkastaa Erittäin Tarkkaan!
Awesome package! Our Inspector Pirk inspected it Very Carefully and it was difficult to take pictures with out the dog on them!

Paketista löytyi suloinen muistikirja, knit picksin harmony-palmikkopuikot ja käsirasvaa.
There was a cute notebook, knit picks harmony cable needles and hand cream.

Paaaljoooon karkkia! nam!
Lots and lots of candy! Yummy!


Knit Picksin alpaca cloudia kauniin ruskeana. Ihanaa.
Knit picks alpaca cloud in a beautiful brown colorway. Love it.

Sereknityn Sock options perfect-sukkalankaa. Täydellisen oranssia.
Sereknity's sock options perfect sock yarn. Perfect orange color.
Mieletön paketti.
Stunning package.