I finished my march mystery socks on tuesday and they're quite awesome. A long time marinated yarn turned out to a great pair of socks, it was worth the wait.

lanka / yarn: Araucania Ranco solid, 74g
puikot / needles: 2,5mm
Tykkäsin kovin neuloa näitä ja tykkään kovin myös lopputuloksesta. Lanka on mukavaa neulottavaa ja käyttäytyi hauskasti, tuli tuommoista raidallista. Nämä jäävät odottamaan syksyä ja villasukkakelejä.
I really liked knitting the pattern and the end result is also to my liking. The yarn is nice to work with and it wears well and this time it made funny stripes. These will now wait for fall and wool sock weathers.
Muutakin on valmistunut mutta tämä sankari odottaa vielä viimeistelyjä. Vietimme pitkäperjantaita kaveriporukassa pelaten lautapeliä ja minä samalla virkkasin Babetten kokoon! Se on vihdoin langanpäiden päättelyä ja pingoitusta vaille valmis eikä siihen mennyt kuin hieman yli vuosi!
I have also a another finished object but this baby needs still to be be blocked and to weave in ends. We spend Good Friday with a group of friend and a board game that gave me lots of time to finish my babette blanket! It took my a little over a year but now it's done. Yay.

There's also something new on my needles, a another mystery sock! This is from a finnish KAL, a traditional mystery sock pattern.

More of the socks and the babette later, now I need to turn into a secretary and pack Lai-la-lai yarnz book club's first shipmet so we can send it tomorrow.