Our radiators aren't working properly so it's quite cold in here and my toes were constantly freezing. When two pairs of hand knitted socks wasn't enough to keep my feet warm, it was time to take some serious action.

malli / pattern: TeeTee työpajakirje, palmikkotossut
lanka / yarn: Sandnes Garn Fritidsgarn, 150g
needles: 5mm
Tein huovutettavat tossut ja nyt ei palele varpaat! Ei nämä varmaan kovin hyvin pärjäisi tossujen missikisoissa muttei se olekaan näiden tarkoitus. Ensimmäistä kertaa neuloin Vapaa-ajanlankaa, tykästyin ja ostin heti lisääkin, tarkoitus olisi tehdä isälle huovutettavat lapaset kiitokseksi koiran hoidosta.
I knitted myself a pair of felted slippers and no more freezing feet! These propably wouldn't do well in a slippers beaty pageant but that's not the point of these. This was my first time knitting this yarn and I liked it a lot and actually bought more of it already. I'm thinking of knitting a pair of felted mittens for my dad as a thank you since he's taking care of Pirk next weekend.
Sain eilen ennakkomaistiaisia vaihtopariltani Kaheli-vaihdon teemoilta! Ihanan letin Tuulian värjäämää BFL:ää. Niin kaunis.
Yesterday I got a preview from my swap pratner, a lovely BFL hand dyed by Tuulia. So beautiful.