Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kiitollisuudesta / I'm thankful..

Osallistun jälleen Secret pal-kierrokseen ja kuten viimeksikin, tulee joka viikko kysymys vastattavaksi. Aion tällä kertaa vastailla vaan englanniksi niihin.

First question of SP 13 was about Thanksqiving, what am I thankful for. There is lots of things. Mostly on my mind at the moment is my Grandmother who past away last friday, I'm thankful that she was able to see her grandchildren get married and see the next generation be born, as she wanted. I miss her so much.

I'm also thankful that I've a wonderful Wife who stands by me. That she understand me (or at least tries to). I love her and don't know what I would do without her. She's wonderful.
My friends, I'm also thankful of them. Thank you so much for keeping my alive and somewhat sane.

We don't have children but our dog and 3 cats are our kids, I'm also thankful for them. They're annoying and grazy but lovely and wonderful as well.

Loppuun vielä pieni vilautus käsitöistä. Jotain valmista, jotain keskeneräistä. Itselle.

drunken cable

Pipo käsinvärjätystä langasta, ohje on Ullan jäsensivuilta (Drunken cable).

Hat from my own handdyed yarn, pattern is Drunken Cable from Ulla's member site.


Näihin ohje löytyy puolestaan Ullasta, oma ohjeeni joka julkaistiin sunnuntaina :)

Pattern for these is in Ulla, my own pattern and I'm going to translate it into english as well. (Or actually I'm going to ask Laika to do it)


Suvi said...

Otan osaa :( mummot ovat tärkeitä, mutta onneksi jää muistot.
Tosi kauniit sormikkaat, lämpöisen näköiset!

Oranssi said...

Onnittelut julkaistusta ohjeesta. Ei hullummat hanskat!

Anonymous said...

Condolences on the passing of your grandmother. It sounds like she had a long and full life. Take care and keep practicing that gratitude!